Former Bed, Bath, & Beyond: Large Quantity of Warehouse Shelving

Former Bed, Bath, & Beyond: Large Quantity of Warehouse Shelving

Former Bed, Bath, & Beyond: Large Quantity of Warehouse Shelving


(Full address to be posted at a later date)

Auction Ends: May 23rd, 2024 at 7 pm EST

Inspection: May 23rd, By Appointment

Payment: Payment will be required within (2) days of auction end. Payment can be made by Bank Wire. We accept credit cards up to $2,500.

Pick Up: Shelving must be removed by June 1st! Buyers are responsible for breaking down and removing the shelving.

Buyers Premium: 15% 

Questions: Contact Alex (SC Auc Lic #4772) at

123, Bluffton, South Carolina 29910
Ended on